Weston also got to visit his new friend Breanne ;). I've never seen him so willing to drive down to Utah.
I had school during the game so didn't get to watch but Nubia had a great game! (New rebound record for her...17) She had a big write up in the paper this morning. They won so she was a happy girl! Way to go Nubes! Her and Colter went and stayed the night with her family who lives in Orem. Vanessa, her sister (far right) drove them back to Ogden this afternoon.
I was so proud of myself, didn't' even cry when they left! I'm getting better and better with good-byes :)
cute pics KenZ!!!! that's so fun they where able to come down! I bet Weston was just a happy happy little Stone to see his pretty little miss! Well I LOVE ya! And hope you are doing well!
first of all-- i'm so jealous that you get to see your family so much!! and second of all-- who is this breanne? lol
Sure was fun being with you, Kenzie. Thanks for the haircuts! Love, love, love you!
i hate goodbyes! they are so hard and they get better, but each one is still hard! and who is clint?? i think i missed something...
Is this ALL montana state gear is see. GROSS!!!!
hahahahah jeffs comment cracks me up!!
I LOVE your new cute short hairdo Kenz! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. Kick some major fashion booty on your Vegas red carpet walk...I MUST see pictures of your fabulousity. Love you! xoxo your #1 fan: Julia :)
KenZ!!! I have a trade last for you!
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